Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Holy Nacho Polo

Nacho Polo

Well, I don't normally include the head shot of interior designers, but ladies- you are welcome! Spanish designer Nacho Polo is wowing me with this highly edited, graphic space. I'm normally not a black and white scheme girl but this is really gorgeous. I feel like it's a movie set starring me and Hugh Jackman as husband and wife spies who beat each other up....oh wait, you mean that's been done. Sorry. I hope my beautiful husband doesn't read this post (he won't ;) Anyhow, I am really taken by this! The design isn't bad either. You can read a great interview with Senor Polo on Yatzer.

Nacho Polo

Nacho Polo

Nacho Polo

Nacho Polo

Nacho Polo

Nacho Polo

Nacho Polo
all of these gorgeous images via Yatzer


  1. Wow. Handsome guy. Handsome interiors. I love the black and white look.

  2. great room....perfekt i like it

    hugs Conny

  3. He's brilliant and must agree that guy is handsome. As seen his works were great! Thanks for posting.


The Mike is Yours! (be gentle)

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