Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Wallpapered Furniture


I start to have trouble breathing, my palms are sweaty, I am woozy. Wallpaper + furniture. Please! I am only one woman.

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Bryonie Porter, you win.

Wallpapered Furniture


  1. Oh my ..you have just ignited a huge inspirational flame inside...and I have loads of wallpaper samples that I was never really sure how to use..thank you for getting this little creative heart a tickin! :) x

  2. I've not seen this! Something to think about for sure! (psst, Amy, though I am new to your blog I love it, and I wanted to say I am having a giveaway if you are interested!)

  3. Stunning... every last one of these! This is an awesome idea to spiff up that piece of furniture that has been painted one too many times!

  4. Le sigh! J'adore the surrealist faces piece. That is gorgeous!

  5. My list of needs keeps growing...I love this idea (and I still want a new bathroom)!

  6. hi Amy, thanks for visitng my blog! i love this idea, what pretty pieces and colors :-)

  7. I love these Amy. Never seen anything quite like them. I don't know, but I am having a thing for green right now, so I am loving that one and the one with the heads/faces is pretty cool. Thanks for sharing.


The Mike is Yours! (be gentle)

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