Thursday, June 2, 2011

Oh No You Didn't: The Craigslist Edition!

Oh No You Didn't!

Wow! I found these beauts in the "castle" section on Craigslist. I'm kidding, there's no castle section but there should be a "maybe there's someone out there as stupid as I am to buy this" section. The dining hall set above can be yours for $21,500. If you don't have a castle but still really want a throne, we ll here ya go! Hilariously, it is actually posted as a "throne." Really! Really?

Oh No You Didn't!


  1. I'll be contacting them as soon as the moat is done!

  2. Hahahaha! That dining set is bigger than my whole house! But look at the glass on those babies. They are beeeeeaauuuutiful.

  3. Haha! That is awesome! I wonder if anyone will ever buy it!!


The Mike is Yours! (be gentle)

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